elsa Proximal Operators


template<typename data_t = real_t>
class elsa::ProximalOperator

Base class representing a proximal operator prox.

This class represents a proximal operator prox, expressed through its apply methods, which implement the proximal operator of f with penalty r i.e. $ prox_{f,\rho}(v) = argmin_{x}(f(x) + (\rho/2)·\| x - v \|^2_2). $

The class implements type erasure. Classes, that bind to this wrapper should overload either the applyProximal, or implement the apply member function, with the signature given in this class. Base types also are assumed to be Semi-Regular.

References: https://stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/pdf/admm_distr_stats.pdf


  • Andi Braimllari - initial code

  • David Frank - Type Erasure

Template Parameters
  • data_t: data type for the values of the operator, defaulting to real_t

Public Functions

ProximalOperator() = default

defaulted default constructor for base-class (will point to nothing)

template<typename T>
ProximalOperator(T proxOp)

Type erasure constructor, taking everything that kan bind to the above provided interface

ProximalOperator(const ProximalOperator &other)

Copy constructor.

ProximalOperator(ProximalOperator &&other) noexcept = default

Default move constructor.

ProximalOperator &operator=(const ProximalOperator &other)

Copy assignment.

ProximalOperator &operator=(ProximalOperator &&other) noexcept = default

Default move assignment.

~ProximalOperator() = default

default destructor

auto apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t) const -> DataContainer<data_t>

apply the proximal operator to an element in the operator’s domain

Please note: this method uses apply(v, t, prox(v)) to perform the actual operation.


prox DataContainer containing the application of the proximal operator to data v, i.e. in the range of the operator


void apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t, DataContainer<data_t> &prox) const

apply the proximal operator to an element in the operator’s domain

Please note: this method calls the method applyImpl that has to be overridden in derived classes. (Why is this method not virtual itself? Because you cannot have a non-virtual function overloading a virtual one [apply with one vs. two arguments]).


struct ProxConcept

Concept for proximal operators, they should be cloneable, and have an apply method.

template<class T>
struct ProxModel : public elsa::ProximalOperator<data_t>::ProxConcept

Bridge wrapper for concrete types.

Public Functions

std::unique_ptr<ProxConcept> clone() const override

Just clone the type (assumes regularity, i.e. copy constructible)

void apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t, DataContainer<data_t> &out) const override

Apply proximal by calling apply_proximal, this enables flexible extension, without classes as well. The default implementation of apply_proximal, just calls the member function


template<typename data_t = real_t>
class elsa::ProximalL1

Class representing the proximal operator of the l1 norm.

This class represents the soft thresholding operator, expressed by its apply method through the function i.e.

$ prox(v) = sign(v)·(|v| - t)_+. $

Andi Braimllari - initial code

Template Parameters
  • data_t: data type for the values of the operator, defaulting to real_t

References: http://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/fedc_homepage/xplore/tutorials/xlghtmlnode93.html

Public Functions

~ProximalL1() = default

default destructor

void apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t, DataContainer<data_t> &prox) const

apply the proximal operator of the l1 norm to an element in the operator’s domain



template<typename data_t = real_t>
class elsa::ProximalL0

Class representing the proximal operator of the l0 pseudo-norm.

This class represents the hard thresholding operator, expressed by its apply method through the function i.e.

$ prox(v) = v·1_{\{|v| > t\}}. $

Andi Braimllari - initial code

Template Parameters
  • data_t: data type for the values of the operator, defaulting to real_t

References: http://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/fedc_homepage/xplore/tutorials/xlghtmlnode93.html

Public Functions

~ProximalL0() = default

default destructor

DataContainer<data_t> apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t) const

apply the proximal operator of the l0 pseudo-norm to an element in the operator’s domain


void apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t, DataContainer<data_t> &prox) const

apply the proximal operator of the l0 pseudo-norm to an element in the operator’s domain



template<class data_t>
class elsa::CombinedProximal

Combine multiple proximals operators into a diagnional operator, or as a block operator.

Given the proximal operators for a sequence of $k$ functions $ (g_i)_{i=1}^k$, then the combined proximal $prox_{G}$ is

\[ prox_{G}(x) = diag( prox_{g_1}(x_1), \cdots, prox_{g_k}(x_k)) \]
where $x = (x_1, \dots, x_k)$, i.e. represented as a blocked DataContainer

The proximal operator of a separable sum of functionals, is the combined proximal.



Public Functions

CombinedProximal(ProximalOperator<data_t> prox)

Construct a combined proximal from a single proximal.

CombinedProximal(ProximalOperator<data_t> prox1, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox2)

Construct a combined proximal from a two proximal.

CombinedProximal(ProximalOperator<data_t> prox1, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox2, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox3)

Construct a combined proximal from a three proximal.

CombinedProximal(ProximalOperator<data_t> prox1, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox2, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox3, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox4)

Construct a combined proximal from a four proximal.

template<class ...Args>
CombinedProximal(ProximalOperator<data_t> prox1, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox2, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox3, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox4, ProximalOperator<data_t> prox5, Args... args)

Construct a combined proximal from a variadic amount of proximal.

DataContainer<data_t> apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t) const

Apply proximal operator to the given DataContainer. It applies each proximal operator to the corresponding block of the DataContainer. Throws, if the given DataContainer does not have a BlockDataDescriptor.

void apply(const DataContainer<data_t> &v, SelfType_t<data_t> t, DataContainer<data_t> &prox) const

Apply the proximal operator the to given out parameter.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

ProximalOperator<data_t> getIthProximal(index_t i)

Get the i-th proximal operator.

void addProximal(ProximalOperator<data_t> prox)

Add an additional proximal operator.