Solving a problem with ADMM ----------------------------- We will briefly explain the `ADMM` component and go through an example. Note that the current capabilities of this class are limited, more features are coming soon (tm). ### `ADMM` in elsa Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers is an algorithm which provides the grounds for solving a certain class of problems. It combines the superior convergence properties of the method of multipliers along with the decomposability of the dual ascent algorithm [1]. `ADMM` solves problems of the form minimize $f(x) + g(z)$ subject to $Ax + Bz = c$. A [Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator]( problem is of the form, minimize `$\frac{1}{2}\|Ax - b\|^{2}_{2} + \lambda \|x\|_{1}$` `elsa` offers the `LASSOProblem` class to encapsulate such problems. Using variable splitting, this can be rewritten to minimize `$\frac{1}{2}\|Ax - b\|^{2}_{2} + \lambda \|z\|_{1}$` subject to $x - z = 0$. Now we have a `SplittingProblem`. We observe that this pattern abides by the form of problems that `ADMM` can solve, in which `$f(x) = \frac{1}{2}\|Ax - b\|^{2}_{2}$` and `$g(z)=\lambda \|z\|_{1}$`, where $A$ is the identity matrix, $B$ is $-1$ times the identity matrix, and $c$ is the vector $0$. The objects of this class can be built by providing a `Functional f` and a `RegularizationTerm g`(or a vector of them), so we use the aforementioned $f$ and $g$. `ADMM` then solves that problem by alternating updates of its variables. We're showing here the scaled form which we also use. ```math x_{k+1} = argmin_{x}(f(x) + \frac{\rho}{2} \|Ax + Bz_{k} - c + u_{k}\|^{2}_{2}) ``` ```math z_{k+1} = argmin_{z}(g(z) + \frac{\rho}{2} \|Ax_{k+1} + Bz - c + u_{k}\|^{2}_{2}) ``` ```math u_{k+1} = u_{k} + Ax_{k+1} + Bz_{k+1} - c ``` The selection of the regularization parameter `lambda`, which is introduced in the next section, and the coupling parameter `rho`, is not quite straightforward. In this instance, we've chosen to set the value of `rho` to 1, and the value of `lambda` to 1/2. It is evident that the result of `ADMM` depends on both of these. More information on this, is provided by Wieczorek *et al.* [2]. ### Solving a toy inverse problem using ADMM We start by generating a modified 2D Shepp-Logan phantom by calling ```c++ IndexVector_t size(2); size << 256, 256; auto phantom = phantoms::modifiedSheppLogan(size); ``` This generates the following image, ![Modified Shepp-Logan phantom](./images/2dphantom.png) We generate a circular acquisition trajectory using `CircleTrajectoryGenerator`, ```c++ index_t numAngles{180}, arc{360}; auto distance = static_cast(size(0)); auto sinoDescriptor = CircleTrajectoryGenerator::createTrajectory(numAngles, phantom.getDataDescriptor(), arc, distance * 100.0f, distance); ``` We continue by creating a projector of type `SiddonsMethod`, which utilizes the `sinoDescriptor` data descriptor above. ```c++ SiddonsMethod projector(dynamic_cast(phantom.getDataDescriptor()), *sinoDescriptor); ``` Simulate the sinogram and write it to an [EDF]( file, ```c++ auto sinogram = projector.apply(phantom); EDF::write(sinogram, "2dsinogram.edf"); ``` This generates the following sinogram, ![Modified Shepp-Logan phantom sinogram](./images/2dsinogram.png) `ADMM` requires a `SplittingProblem` to solve. As mentioned above, we will utilize a `LASSOProblem` object to construct that, which requires setting up the [weighted least squares]( problem and the [L1 regularizer](\(mathematics\)). We do that as follows, ```c++ WLSProblem wlsProblem(projector, sinogram); real_t lambda = 0.5f; L1Norm regFunc(projector.getDomainDescriptor()); RegularizationTerm regTerm(lambda, regFunc); ``` We continue by creating the $Ax + Bz = c$ constraint, which in our scenario is simply $x - z = 0$, ```c++ const DataDescriptor& regDatDescriptor = regTerm.getFunctional().getDomainDescriptor(); Identity idOp(regDatDescriptor); // A Scaling negativeIdOp(regDatDescriptor, -1); // B DataContainer dZero(regDatDescriptor); // c dZero = 0; // 0 Constraint constraint(idOp, negativeIdOp, dZero); ``` Now let's create the `SplittingProblem` object which utilizes the two parts and the constraint ```c++ SplittingProblem splittingProblem(wlsProblem.getDataTerm(), regTerm, constraint); ``` Finally, we build the `ADMM` solver. We can specify the solvers as template parameters. Note that as of currently, we support subclasses of `Solver` and `ProximityOperator` for the first and second template respectively. We chose to specify the [conjugate gradient]( solver as `CGLS` along with the [shrinkage/soft-thresholding]( operator as `ProximalL1` ```c++ ADMM admm(splittingProblem); ``` We can now reconstruct the phantom! We do this simply by ```c++ index_t noIterations{10}; auto admmReconstruction = admm.solve(noIterations); ``` Writing the output in an EDF file makes the visualization easier. ```c++ EDF::write(admmReconstruction, "2dreconstruction_admm.edf"); ``` After 10 iterations of ADMM, the phantom reconstruction is generated. From here we can do a side-by-side comparison of the original phantom and its reconstruction, ![Modified Shepp-Logan phantom](./images/2dphantom.png) ![Modified Shepp-Logan phantom ADMM reconstruction](./images/2dreconstruction_admm.png) Finally, we can also create the element-wise difference image between the two by simply writing, ```c++ DataContainer phantom = EDF::read("2dphantom.edf"); DataContainer phantomRecon = EDF::read("2dreconstruction_admm.edf"); DataContainer diffImage = phantom - phantomRecon; EDF::write(diffImage, "2ddifference_image.edf"); ``` which displays the following image ![Difference image between the phantom and the ADMM reconstruction](./images/2ddifference_image.png) ### References [1] S. Boyd, N. Parikh, E. Chu, B. Peleato and J. Eckstein. *Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers*. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 3(1), 2011. DOI: [10.1561/2200000016]( [2] M. Wieczorek, J. Frikel, J. Vogel, E. Eggl, F. Kopp, P.B. Noel, F. Pfeiffer, L. Demart, T. Lasser. *X-ray computed tomography using curvelet sparse regularization*. Medical Physics 42(4), 2015. DOI: [10.1118/1.4914368](