LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - elsa/proximal_operators - ProximalMixedL21Norm.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage-all.lcov Lines: 0 2 0.0 %
Date: 2025-02-08 06:41:40 Functions: 0 4 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #pragma once
       2             : 
       3             : #include "DataContainer.h"
       4             : #include "elsaDefines.h"
       5             : 
       6             : namespace elsa
       7             : {
       8             :     /**
       9             :      * @brief This is the proximal operator for the mixed L21 norm, or sometimes
      10             :      * also referred to as the group L1 Norm. The functional is specifically
      11             :      * important for isotropic TV
      12             :      *
      13             :      * A signal needs to be represented as different blocks. When viewing each
      14             :      * block as a 1D signal, you can create a matrix where each block is a row
      15             :      * in the matrix. Let \f$X \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}\f$, where \f$m\f$
      16             :      * is the number of blocks, and \f$n\f$ the size of each block linearized to
      17             :      * an 1D signal. The L21 Norm is then defined as:
      18             :      * \f[
      19             :      * ||X||_{2,1} = \sum_{j=0}^m || x_j ||_2
      20             :      * \f]
      21             :      * This is the sum (L1 norm) of the column-wise L2 norm.
      22             :      *
      23             :      * The proximal operator is then given by:
      24             :      * (1 - (tau * self.sigma) / np.maximum(aux, tau * self.sigma)) * x.ravel()
      25             :      * \f[
      26             :      * prox_{\sigma ||\cdot||_{2,1}}(x_j) = (1 - \frac{sigma}{\max\{ ||x_j||, 0 \}}) x_j \quad
      27             :      * \forall j
      28             :      * \f]
      29             :      * The factor \f$(1 - \frac{sigma}{\max\{ ||x_j||, 0\}})\f$ can be computed
      30             :      * for each column, which results in an \f$n\f$ sized vector, which, with
      31             :      * correct broadcasting, can be multiplied directly to the input signal.
      32             :      */
      33             :     template <typename data_t = real_t>
      34             :     class ProximalMixedL21Norm
      35             :     {
      36             :     public:
      37           0 :         ProximalMixedL21Norm() = default;
      38             : 
      39             :         ProximalMixedL21Norm(data_t sigma);
      40             : 
      41             :         ~ProximalMixedL21Norm() = default;
      42             : 
      43             :         /**
      44             :          * @brief apply the proximal operator of the l1 norm to an element in the operator's domain
      45             :          *
      46             :          * @param[in] v input DataContainer
      47             :          * @param[in] t input Threshold
      48             :          * @param[out] prox output DataContainer
      49             :          */
      50             :         void apply(const DataContainer<data_t>& v, SelfType_t<data_t> t,
      51             :                    DataContainer<data_t>& prox) const;
      52             : 
      53             :         DataContainer<data_t> apply(const DataContainer<data_t>& v, SelfType_t<data_t> t) const;
      54             : 
      55           0 :         data_t sigma() const { return sigma_; }
      56             : 
      57             :     private:
      58             :         data_t sigma_{1};
      59             :     };
      60             : 
      61             :     template <typename T>
      62             :     bool operator==(const ProximalMixedL21Norm<T>& lhs, const ProximalMixedL21Norm<T>& rhs)
      63             :     {
      64             :         return lhs.sigma() == rhs.sigma();
      65             :     }
      66             : 
      67             :     template <typename T>
      68             :     bool operator!=(const ProximalMixedL21Norm<T>& lhs, const ProximalMixedL21Norm<T>& rhs)
      69             :     {
      70             :         return !(lhs == rhs);
      71             :     }
      72             : } // namespace elsa

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