Line data Source code
1 : #pragma once
2 :
3 : #include "LinearOperator.h"
4 : #include "DetectorDescriptor.h"
5 : #include "VolumeDescriptor.h"
6 : #include "BoundingBox.h"
7 :
8 : namespace elsa
9 : {
10 : struct ray_driven_tag {
11 : };
12 : struct voxel_driven_tag {
13 : };
14 : struct any_projection_tag {
15 : };
16 :
17 : template <typename T>
18 : struct XrayProjectorInnerTypes;
19 :
20 : /**
21 : * @brief Interface class for X-ray based projectors.
22 : *
23 : * For X-ray CT based methods there are mainly two different implementation methods: ray and
24 : * voxel driven methods. The first iterates all rays for each pose of the acquisition
25 : * trajectory through the volume. Along the way the ray either accumulates each visited voxels
26 : * values (forward) or writes to each visited voxels (backward). The second implementation
27 : * methods, iterates over all voxels of the volume and calculates their contribution to
28 : * a detector cell.
29 : *
30 : * Basically, the main difference is the outer most loop of the computation. In the ray driven
31 : * case, all rays are iterated and for each ray some calculations are performed. For the voxel
32 : * driven approach, all voxels are visited and for each some calculation is performed.
33 : *
34 : * This base class should aid in the implementation of any X-ray based projector. So, if you
35 : * want to implement a new projector, you'd first need to derive from this class, then the
36 : * following interface is required:
37 : * 1. specialize the `XrayProjectorInnerTypes` class with the following values:
38 : * - value_type
39 : * - forward_tag
40 : * - backward_tag
41 : * 2. The class needs to implement
42 : * - `_isEqual(const LinearOperator<data_t>&)` (should call `isEqual` of `LinearOperator`
43 : * base)
44 : * - `_cloneImpl()`
45 : * 3. If `forward_tag` is equal to `ray_driven_tag`, then the class needs to implement:
46 : * - `data_t traverseRayForward(const BoundingBox&, const RealRay_t&, const
47 : * DataContainer<data_t>&) const` it traverses a single ray through the given bounding box and
48 : * accumulates the voxel
49 : * 4. If `backward_tag` is equal to `ray_driven_tag`, then the class needs to implement:
50 : * - `void traverseRayBackward(const BoundingBox&, const RealRay_t&, const value_type&,
51 : *
52 : * The interface for voxel based projectors is still WIP, therefore not documented here.
53 : *
54 : * The `any_projection_tag` should serve for methods, which do not fit any of the two others
55 : * (e.g. distance driven projectors), plus the legacy projectors, which can easily fit here for
56 : * now and be refactored later.
57 : *
58 : * At the time of writing, both the API is highly experimental and will evolve quickly.
59 : */
60 : template <typename D>
61 : class XrayProjector : public LinearOperator<typename XrayProjectorInnerTypes<D>::value_type>
62 : {
63 : public:
64 : using derived_type = D;
65 : using self_type = XrayProjector<D>;
66 : using inner_type = XrayProjectorInnerTypes<derived_type>;
67 :
68 : using value_type = typename inner_type::value_type;
69 : using data_t = value_type;
70 : using forward_tag = typename inner_type::forward_tag;
71 : using backward_tag = typename inner_type::backward_tag;
72 :
73 : using base_type = LinearOperator<data_t>;
74 :
75 : XrayProjector() = delete;
76 1002 : ~XrayProjector() override = default;
77 :
78 : /// TODO: This is basically legacy, the projector itself does not need it...
79 : XrayProjector(const VolumeDescriptor& domain, const DetectorDescriptor& range)
80 : : base_type(domain, range)
81 1002 : {
82 1002 : }
83 :
84 : protected:
85 : void applyImpl(const DataContainer<data_t>& x, DataContainer<data_t>& Ax) const override
86 1138 : {
87 1138 : forward(x, Ax, forward_tag{});
88 1138 : }
89 :
90 : void applyAdjointImpl(const DataContainer<data_t>& y,
91 : DataContainer<data_t>& Aty) const override
92 193 : {
93 193 : backward(y, Aty, backward_tag{});
94 193 : }
95 :
96 : /// implement the polymorphic comparison operation
97 : bool isEqual(const LinearOperator<data_t>& other) const override
98 4 : {
99 4 : return self()._isEqual(other);
100 4 : }
101 :
102 : /// implement the polymorphic comparison operation
103 25 : self_type* cloneImpl() const override { return self()._cloneImpl(); }
104 :
105 : derived_type& self() { return static_cast<derived_type&>(*this); }
106 106200 : const derived_type& self() const { return static_cast<const derived_type&>(*this); }
107 :
108 : private:
109 : void forward(const DataContainer<data_t>& x, DataContainer<data_t>& Ax,
110 : ray_driven_tag) const
111 928 : {
112 : /// the bounding box of the volume
113 928 : const BoundingBox aabb(x.getDataDescriptor().getNumberOfCoefficientsPerDimension());
114 928 : auto& detectorDesc = downcast<DetectorDescriptor>(Ax.getDataDescriptor());
115 :
116 : // --> loop either over every voxel that should updated or every detector
117 : // cell that should be calculated
118 928 : #pragma omp parallel for
119 928 : for (index_t rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < Ax.getSize(); ++rangeIndex) {
120 : // --> get the current ray to the detector center
121 0 : const auto ray = detectorDesc.computeRayFromDetectorCoord(rangeIndex);
122 :
123 0 : Ax[rangeIndex] = self().traverseRayForward(aabb, ray, x);
124 0 : }
125 928 : }
126 :
127 : void forward(const DataContainer<data_t>& x, DataContainer<data_t>& Ax,
128 : voxel_driven_tag) const
129 : {
130 : auto& detectorDesc = downcast<DetectorDescriptor>(Ax.getDataDescriptor());
131 :
132 : for (index_t domainIndex = 0; domainIndex < x.getSize(); ++domainIndex) {
133 : auto coord = x.getDataDescriptor().getCoordinateFromIndex(domainIndex);
134 :
135 : // TODO: Maybe we need a different interface, but I need an implementation for that
136 : self().forwardVoxel(coord, x[domainIndex], Ax);
137 : }
138 : }
139 :
140 : /// We can say nothing about it, so let it handle everything
141 : void forward(const DataContainer<data_t>& x, DataContainer<data_t>& Ax,
142 : any_projection_tag) const
143 210 : {
144 210 : const BoundingBox aabb(x.getDataDescriptor().getNumberOfCoefficientsPerDimension());
145 210 : self().forward(aabb, x, Ax);
146 210 : }
147 :
148 : void backward(const DataContainer<data_t>& y, DataContainer<data_t>& Aty,
149 : ray_driven_tag) const
150 49 : {
151 : /// the bounding box of the volume
152 49 : const BoundingBox aabb(Aty.getDataDescriptor().getNumberOfCoefficientsPerDimension());
153 49 : auto& detectorDesc = downcast<DetectorDescriptor>(y.getDataDescriptor());
154 :
155 : // Just to be sure, zero out the result
156 49 : Aty = 0;
157 :
158 : // --> loop either over every voxel that should updated or every detector
159 : // cell that should be calculated
160 49 : #pragma omp parallel for
161 49 : for (index_t rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < y.getSize(); ++rangeIndex) {
162 : // --> get the current ray to the detector center
163 0 : const auto ray = detectorDesc.computeRayFromDetectorCoord(rangeIndex);
164 :
165 0 : self().traverseRayBackward(aabb, ray, y[rangeIndex], Aty);
166 0 : }
167 49 : }
168 :
169 : void backward(const DataContainer<data_t>& y, DataContainer<data_t>& Aty,
170 : voxel_driven_tag) const
171 : {
172 : auto& detectorDesc = downcast<DetectorDescriptor>(y.getDataDescriptor());
173 :
174 : for (index_t domainIndex = 0; domainIndex < Aty.getSize(); ++domainIndex) {
175 : auto coord = Aty.getDataDescriptor().getCoordinateFromIndex(domainIndex);
176 :
177 : // TODO: Maybe we need a different interface, but I need an implementation for that
178 : Aty[domainIndex] = self().backwardVoxel(coord, y);
179 : }
180 : }
181 :
182 : void backward(const DataContainer<data_t>& y, DataContainer<data_t>& Aty,
183 : any_projection_tag) const
184 144 : {
185 144 : const BoundingBox aabb(Aty.getDataDescriptor().getNumberOfCoefficientsPerDimension());
186 144 : self().backward(aabb, y, Aty);
187 144 : }
188 : };
189 :
190 : } // namespace elsa