LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - elsa/core/Utilities - CartesianIndices.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage-all.lcov Lines: 27 27 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-02 07:39:37 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #pragma once
       2             : 
       3             : #include "TypeCasts.hpp"
       4             : #include "elsaDefines.h"
       5             : #include "Error.h"
       6             : 
       7             : #include <Eigen/Core>
       8             : #include <algorithm>
       9             : #include <vector>
      10             : 
      11             : #include "spdlog/fmt/fmt.h"
      12             : 
      13             : namespace elsa
      14             : {
      15             :     using IndexRange = std::pair<int, int>;
      16             : 
      17             :     /*
      18             :      * @brief This is a iterable view over a Cartesian index space. This defines a rectangular
      19             :      * region of integer indices. This is mostly equivalent to a n-dimensional loop, e.g.:
      20             :      *
      21             :      * ```cpp
      22             :      * for(int i = istart; i < istop; ++i) {
      23             :      *     for(int j = jstart; j < jstop; ++j) {
      24             :      *         // nested arbitrarily deep
      25             :      *     }
      26             :      * }
      27             :      * ```
      28             :      *
      29             :      * If you want to iterate over all indices form `0` to `upper` in a n-dimensional setting you
      30             :      * can:
      31             :      *
      32             :      * ```cpp
      33             :      * for(auto pos : CartesianIndex(upper)) {
      34             :      *     // nested arbitrarily deep
      35             :      * }
      36             :      * ```
      37             :      *
      38             :      * Note, that this is as typically an exclusive range for the end, i.e. [lower, upper).
      39             :      * At no point any coefficient of `pos` take the value of `upper` (lower[i] <= pos[i] < upper[i]
      40             :      * for all i in 0, ... pos.size()).
      41             :      *
      42             :      * Assuming `x` is a vector of integers. If you don't want to start at `0`. Pass the lower bound
      43             :      * index as the first argument:
      44             :      *
      45             :      * ```cpp
      46             :      * for(auto pos : CartesianIndex(lower, upper)) {
      47             :      *     // nested arbitrarily deep
      48             :      * }
      49             :      * ```
      50             :      *
      51             :      * The behaviour is quite similar to `std::views::iota` in C++20, but extended to n dimensions.
      52             :      * In this sense it is quite similar to Julies, check this
      53             :      * [blob]( for more information. This was also
      54             :      * the initial inspiration for this implementation.
      55             :      *
      56             :      */
      57             :     class CartesianIndices
      58             :     {
      59             :     private:
      60             :         index_t size_;
      61             :         IndexVector_t first_;
      62             :         IndexVector_t last_;
      63             : 
      64             :         // Tag struct, just to indicate the end iterator as sentinel. TODO: With a switch to C++
      65             :         // 20, remove this and let `end()` return a proper sentinel type
      66             :         struct as_sentinel {
      67             :         };
      68             : 
      69             :         static constexpr as_sentinel as_sentinel_t{};
      70             : 
      71             :     public:
      72             :         /// Vector of pairs, which represent the range for each dimension
      73             :         CartesianIndices(std::vector<IndexRange> ranges);
      74             : 
      75             :         /// Create an index space ranging from `0`, to `to` with the dimension of `to`
      76             :         CartesianIndices(const IndexVector_t& to);
      77             : 
      78             :         template <typename Vector>
      79             :         CartesianIndices(const Vector& to)
      80             :             : size_(to.size()), first_(IndexVector_t::Zero(size_)), last_(to.size())
      81          31 :         {
      82          31 :             using std::begin;
      83          31 :             std::copy_n(begin(to), size_, last_.begin());
      84          31 :         }
      85             : 
      86             :         /// Create an index space ranging from `from`, to `to` with the dimension of `ranges`
      87             :         CartesianIndices(const IndexVector_t& from, const IndexVector_t& to);
      88             : 
      89             :         template <typename Vector>
      90             :         CartesianIndices(const Vector& from, const Vector& to)
      91             :             : size_(to.size()), first_(from.size()), last_(to.size())
      92          13 :         {
      93          13 :             using std::begin;
      94          13 :             std::copy_n(begin(from), size_, first_.begin());
      95          13 :             std::copy_n(begin(to), size_, last_.begin());
      96          13 :         }
      97             : 
      98             :         /// Return the dimension of index space
      99             :         auto dims() const -> index_t;
     100             : 
     101             :         /// Return the number of coordinates of the space
     102             :         auto size() const -> index_t;
     103             : 
     104             :         /// return a range for a given dimension (0 <= i < dims())
     105             :         auto range(index_t i) const -> IndexRange;
     106             : 
     107             :         /// Return the lower bound of the index space
     108             :         auto first() -> IndexVector_t&;
     109             :         /// @overload
     110             :         auto first() const -> const IndexVector_t&;
     111             : 
     112             :         /// Return the upper bound of the index space
     113             :         auto last() -> IndexVector_t&;
     114             :         /// @overload
     115             :         auto last() const -> const IndexVector_t&;
     116             : 
     117             :         /// Random Access Iterator for index space
     118             :         struct iterator {
     119             :         private:
     120             :             IndexVector_t cur_;
     121             :             const IndexVector_t& begins_;
     122             :             const IndexVector_t& ends_;
     123             : 
     124             :         public:
     125             :             using value_type = IndexVector_t;
     126             :             using reference = value_type&;
     127             :             using pointer = value_type*;
     128             :             using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
     129             :             using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
     130             : 
     131             :             iterator(as_sentinel, const IndexVector_t& begin, const IndexVector_t& end);
     132             : 
     133             :             explicit iterator(const IndexVector_t& vec);
     134             : 
     135             :             iterator(const IndexVector_t& cur, const IndexVector_t& begin,
     136             :                      const IndexVector_t& end);
     137             : 
     138             :             // Dereference
     139             :             const IndexVector_t& operator*() const;
     140             : 
     141             :             // Increment
     142             :             iterator& operator++();
     143             :             iterator operator++(int);
     144             : 
     145             :             // decrement
     146             :             iterator& operator--();
     147             :             iterator operator--(int);
     148             : 
     149             :             // advance
     150             :             auto operator+=(difference_type n) -> CartesianIndices::iterator&;
     151             :             auto operator-=(difference_type n) -> CartesianIndices::iterator&;
     152             : 
     153             :             friend auto operator+(const iterator& iter, difference_type n) -> iterator;
     154             :             friend auto operator+(difference_type n, const iterator& iter) -> iterator;
     155             : 
     156             :             friend auto operator-(const iterator& iter, difference_type n) -> iterator;
     157             :             friend auto operator-(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs) -> difference_type;
     158             : 
     159             :             auto operator[](difference_type n) const -> value_type;
     160             : 
     161             :             // comparison
     162             :             friend auto operator==(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs) -> bool
     163      209130 :             {
     164      209130 :                 return lhs.cur_ == rhs.cur_;
     165      209130 :             }
     166             : 
     167             :             friend auto operator!=(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs) -> bool
     168      209120 :             {
     169      209120 :                 return !(lhs == rhs);
     170      209120 :             }
     171             : 
     172             :             // relational operators
     173             :             friend auto operator<(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs) -> bool;
     174             :             friend auto operator>(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs) -> bool;
     175             :             friend auto operator<=(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs) -> bool;
     176             :             friend auto operator>=(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs) -> bool;
     177             : 
     178             :         private:
     179             :             auto at_end() -> bool;
     180             :             auto at_end() const -> bool;
     181             : 
     182             :             // TODO: Prefer a for loop, and remove recursive function
     183             :             auto inc_recursive(index_t N) -> void;
     184             :             auto inc() -> void;
     185             : 
     186             :             auto prev_recursive(index_t N) -> void;
     187             :             auto prev() -> void;
     188             : 
     189             :             auto distance_to_recusrive(const iterator& iter, difference_type N) const
     190             :                 -> difference_type;
     191             :             auto distance_to(const iterator& iter) const -> difference_type;
     192             : 
     193             :             auto advance_recursive(difference_type n, index_t N) -> void;
     194             :             auto advance(difference_type n) -> void;
     195             :         };
     196             : 
     197             :         /// Return the begin iterator to the index space
     198             :         auto begin() -> iterator;
     199             :         /// Return the end iterator to the index space
     200             :         auto end() -> iterator;
     201             : 
     202             :         /// @overload
     203             :         auto begin() const -> iterator;
     204             :         /// @overload
     205             :         auto end() const -> iterator;
     206             :     };
     207             : 
     208             :     /// @brief Visit all neighbours with a certain distance `dist`, which have the same x-axis (i.e.
     209             :     /// they lie in the same y-z plane)
     210             :     ///
     211             :     /// The returned position can lie outside of the volume or have negative indices, so be careful
     212             :     CartesianIndices neighbours_in_slice(const IndexVector_t& pos, const IndexVector_t& dist);
     213             : 
     214             :     /// @overload
     215             :     CartesianIndices neighbours_in_slice(const IndexVector_t& pos, index_t dist);
     216             : 
     217             :     /// @brief Visit all neighbours with a certain distance `dist`, which have the same x-axis (i.e.
     218             :     /// they lie in the same y-z plane), plus make sure we stay in bounds of `lower`, and `upper`.
     219             :     ///
     220             :     /// Given a certain voxel in a volume, you can visit all close by voxels, which are still in the
     221             :     /// volume
     222             :     ///
     223             :     /// ```cpp
     224             :     /// auto volmin = {0, 0, 0};
     225             :     /// auto volmax = {128, 128, 128};
     226             :     /// auto current_pos = ...;
     227             :     /// for(auto neighbours : neighbours_in_slice(current_pos, 1, volmin, volmax)) {
     228             :     ///     // ...
     229             :     /// }
     230             :     /// ```
     231             :     /// Note, that the current_pos is also visited!
     232             :     CartesianIndices neighbours_in_slice(const IndexVector_t& pos, const IndexVector_t& dist,
     233             :                                          const IndexVector_t& lower, const IndexVector_t& upper);
     234             : 
     235             :     /// @overload
     236             :     CartesianIndices neighbours_in_slice(const IndexVector_t& pos, index_t dist, index_t leadingDim,
     237             :                                          const IndexVector_t& lower, const IndexVector_t& upper);
     238             : } // namespace elsa
     239             : 
     240             : template <>
     241             : struct fmt::formatter<elsa::CartesianIndices> {
     242             :     template <typename ParseContext>
     243             :     constexpr auto parse(ParseContext& ctx)
     244           5 :     {
     245           5 :         return ctx.begin();
     246           5 :     }
     247             : 
     248             :     template <typename FormatContext>
     249             :     auto format(const elsa::CartesianIndices& idx, FormatContext& ctx)
     250           5 :     {
     251           5 :         fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "(");
     252             : 
     253           9 :         for (int i = 0; i < idx.dims() - 1; ++i) {
     254           4 :             auto p = idx.range(i);
     255           4 :             fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}:{}, ", p.first, p.second);
     256           4 :         }
     257           5 :         auto p = idx.range(idx.dims() - 1);
     258           5 :         return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}:{})", p.first, p.second);
     259           5 :     }
     260             : };

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14